Essential Japanese Verbs

Additional Verb List


haemasu / haeruはえます/はえる

to grow, sprout / to shine, glow

hagaremasu / hagareruはがれます/はがれる

to come off (from the surface), peel off

hagashimasu / hagasuはがします/はがす

to come off, peel of, strip off, tear off, skin

hagemashimasu / hagemasuはげまします/はげます

to encourage, cheer up

hagemasu / hageruはげます/はげる

to peel, come off,

hagemimasu / hagemuはげみます/はげむ

to make efforts, strive

haimasu / hauはいます/はう

to crawl

hamarimasu / hamaruはまります/はまる

to get into, fall into

hamemasu / hameruはめます/はめる

to put (a ring) on, fit something in

hamidashimasu / hamidasuはみだします/はみだす

to jut out, stick out

hanaremasu / hanareruはなれます/はなれる

to separate, part from

hanemasu / haneruはねます/はねる

to leap, jump, hop, splash

hasamimasu / hasamuはさみます/はさむ

to nip, put something between

hatakimasu / hatakuはたきます/はたく

to beat, strike, slap, dust

hayashimasu / hayasuはやします/はやす

to grow, wear (a mustache)

hazumimasu / hazumuはずみます/はずむ

to spring, bound

hazuremasu / hazureruはずれます/はずれる

to come off / to go wrong, miss

hazushimasu / hazusuはずします/はずす

to take off, remove

hekomimasu / hekomuへこみます/へこむ

to become hollow, be dented

hiemasu / hieruひえます/ひえる

to get chilly, get cold, cool down

higamimasu / higamuひがみます/ひがむ

to be oversensitive, jealous

hikarimasu / hikaruひかります/ひかる

to shine, be bright

hikikaeshimasu / hikikaesuひきかえします/ひきかえす

to return, turn back

hikiukemasu / hikiukeruひきうけます/ひきうける

to undertake, take charge of

hikiwakemasu / hikiwakeruひきわけます/ひきわける

to fight a draw with

hikizurimasu / hikizuruひきずります/ひきずる

to drag, trail

hikkakemasu / hikkakeruひっかけます/ひっかける

to hang on, suspend, hook

hikkomemasu / hikkomeruひっこめます/ひっこめる

to put back, withdraw

hikkomimasu / hikkomuひっこみます/ひっこむ

to draw back, withdraw

hikkurikaeshimasu / hikkurikaesuひっくりかえします/ひっくりかえす

to turn over, upset, reverse

hinerimasu / hineruひねります/ひねる

to twist, wrench / to defeat

hipparimasu / hipparuひっぱります/ひっぱる

to pull, draw

hirakimasu / hirakuひらきます/ひらく

to open, uncover, unfold

hirogarimasu / hirogaruひろがります/ひろがる

to spread out, extend, get around

hirogemasu / hirogeruひろげます/ひろげる

to spread, extend

hisomimasu / hisomuひそみます/ひそむ

to lurk

hiyakashimasu / hiyakasuひやかします/ひやかす

to tease

hiyashimasu / hiyasuひやします/ひやす

to cool, ice

hodokemasu / hodokeruほどけます/ほどける

to come loose, come apart

hodokimasu / hodokuほどきます/ほどく

to untie, unfasten

hoemasu / hoeruほえます/ほえる

to bark, howl, roar

hokorimasu / hokoruほこります/ほこる

to be proud

homemasu / homeruほめます/ほめる

to praise somebody

hoomurimasu / hoomuruほうむります/ほうむる

to bury / to shelve

horimasu / horuほります/ほる

to engrave, sculpture

hoshimasu / hosuほします/ほす

to dry, air

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