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What time is it?


1いち 11じゅういち 21にじゅういち
2 12じゅうに 22にじゅうに
3さん 13じゅうさん 23にじゅうさん
5 15じゅうご 25にじゅうご
6ろく 16じゅうろく 26にじゅうろく
8はち 18じゅうはち 28にじゅうはち
9きゅう/(く*) 19じゅうきゅう 29にじゅうきゅう
10じゅう 20にじゅう 30さんじゅう

Yo (4) and ku (9) are used for the time.


-ji is a counter meaning "o'clock", e.g. 2-ji (ni-ji) means "two o'clock".
As the chart shows, numbers 4, 7 and 9 can be read in more than one way
When expressing time, 4:00 is yo-ji, 9:00 is ku-ji. 7:00 is usually read as shichi-ji, but nana-ji is also acceptable.

1:001時いちじ 7:007時しちじ、ななじ
2:002時にじ 8:008時はちじ
3:003時さんじ 9:009時くじ*
4:004時よじ* 10:0010時じゅうじ
5:005時5じ 11:0011時じゅういちじ
6:006時ろくじ 12:0012時じゅうにじ

午前 & 午後"a.m. & p.m."

"a.m." is gozen, "p.m." is gogo. These words precede the time indicated.

Gozen hachi-ji "8 a.m.", Gogo ku-ji "9 p.m.".


Minute is -fun or -pun. Han is common for "half past", for example, ni-ji han, 2:30.

5 minutesごふん 10 minutesじゅっぷん
15 minutesじゅうごふん 20 minutesにじゅっぷん
25 minutesにじゅうごふん 30 minutesさんじゅっぷん
35 minutesさんじゅうごふん 40 minutesよんじゅっぷん
45 minutesよんじゅうごふん 50 minutesごじゅっぷん
55 minutesごじゅうごふん 60 minutesろくじゅっぷん

何時ですか"What time is it?"

Nan means "what" and nan-ji desu ka? means "What time is it?".

から & まで"from" & "to", "until"

Kara means "from". 9-ji (ku-ji) kara desu can be translated into "It is from 9:00.", "It is open from 9:00.", or "It starts at 9:00.".

Made means "to" or "until". 5-ji (go-ji) made desu can mean "It closes at 5:00." or "It finishes at 5:00".

ちょっと 待って ください

Chotto matte kudasai is a common phrase for "Just a moment, please." or "Hold on, please." In Japanese. This is a casual expression. The formal expression is Shooshoo omachi kudasai.

Chotto means "a little" or "just". This word is frequently added to the beginning of a sentence in order to soften one's statement.

そうですか"I see"

Soo desu means "Yes, it is." or "That's right.". Soo desu ka with the ending lowered is not a question but it means "I see".

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