Study Japanese from the Weather forecast

Tenki Yohoo

Weather forecast - Tokyo

Upper Basic level

Study practical Japanese through the weather forecast written in
easy-to-understand Japanese.
Please practice the basic terms first.

Tenki Yohoo : Honbun (Text)

2024/September/16 - 2024/September/22

Japan Weather in Romaji

Yoogo to Hyoogen (Basic terms & phrases)

Click each word to play audio

Harefine weather, sunnyharemasu / hareruto be sunny
Kumoricloudy weatherkumorimasu / kumoruto be cloudy
AmerainAme ga furimasu / furuto rain
YukisnowYuki ga furimasu / furuto snow
tokidokisometimes, partlyHare tokidoki Kumorisunny partly cloudy
nochilaterKumori nochi Harecloudy, sunny later
ichijimomentaryKumori ichiji Amecloudy with intermittent rain
Kion to Ondo (Temperature)
30 / 20Kion(atmospheric) temperatureOndotemperature (general term)
30Saikoo-kionhighest temperature30-do30°(C)
20Saitei-kionlowest temperature20-do20°(C)
Yoobi (Day of the week)
Getsu (Getsu-yoobi)Monday
Ka (Ka-yoobi)Tuesday
Sui (Sui-yoobi)Wednesday
Moku (moku-yoobi)Thursday
Kin (Kin-yoobi)Friday
Do (Do-yoobi)Saturday
Nichi (Nichi-yoobi)Sunday
Shukujitsunational holiday
Furikae Kyuujitsusubstitute holiday
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