Intermediate Japanese 307

Chuumoku no Wadai & Chimata no Wadai

Hot issue & Talk of the town

Intermediate level

The following contents are available to members.


Kawase-reeto ni Ikki-Ichiyuu

We are glad and sad over the exchange rate


Hirogaru ka, Kyuukyuusha no Yuuryoo-ka

Will it spread? Charging for ambulances

Itashi-Kayushi no "Oobaa-Tsuurizumu"

"Overtourism" It's a mixed blessing.

Magarikado no Hanabi Taikai

fireworks festivals come to a turning point

Tori-Infuruenza de Tamago ga Kinkyuu jitai

"Egg" emergency due to bird flu

Gomi no naka kara 1000-man
"Tansu Chokin" imada Kenzai

10 million (yen) found in garbage "Tansu Choki" still alive

Fukushima 2023 : Genpatsu Shori-sui Kaiyoo Hooshutsu

Fukushima 2023 : treated radioactive water releases into the ocean

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